
学会誌「認知療法研究」第4巻 1号(2011年) 特別寄稿 認知行動療法の保険点数化と今後の課題 他

認知療法研究 第4巻 1号 2011年4月 目次

大野裕 1

丹野義彦,奥村泰之,上野真弓,高野慶輔,星野貴俊,飯島雄大,小林正法,林明明,磯村昇太 8
岡田佳詠,白石裕子,北野進,中野眞樹子 16

伊藤大輔,鈴木伸一 27

城月健太郎,笹川智子,野村忍 37
田中啓介,杉浦義典,清水健司,神村栄一 46
小関俊祐,高橋史,伊藤大輔,兼子唯,田上明日香,大野真由子,大月友,鈴木伸一,嶋田洋徳,佐々木和義,藤田継道 57

日下菜穂子,最上多美子,岩瀬真生,岡島詳二,高橋励,倉恒弘彦,志水彰 66
下津咲絵,長尾文子,江村理奈,尾形明子,石川信一,比江島誠人,細見潤 76

編集後記 86

【Special Contribution】
Cognitive Therapy/Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Japan: Past, present, future
Yutaka Ono 1

【Special Issue: Cognitive Behavior Therapies Implemented by Paramedical Staff】
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression Implemented by the Psychologists: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Yoshihiko Tanno, Yasuyuki Okumura Mayumi Ueno, Keisuke Takano, Takatoshi Hoshino, Yudai Iijima, Masanori Kobayashi, Mingming Lin & Shota Isomura 8
Change of Nursing by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Innovation and effects
Yoshie Okada, Yuko Shiraishi, Susumu Kitano & Makiko Nakano 16

The Role of Cognitive Process in the Development and Maintenance of the Symptoms Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Practice of and issues associated with the intervention based on cognitive model
Daisuke Ito & Shin-ichi Suzuki 27

The Effect of Video Feedback that Includes Observation of the Video Recording and Cognitive Intervention on Self-rating of Speech Performance
Kentaro Shirotsuki, Satoko Sasagawa & Shinobu Nomura 37
The Effect of Mindfulness Meditation for Worry: Examination of mediational variables
Keisuke Tanaka, Yoshinori Sugiura, Kenji Shimizu & Eiichi Kamimura 46
Effects of Automatic Thoughts and Social Skills on Childhood Depression: A prospective view that takes into consideration the effects of the grade and the school term
Tomu Ohtsuki., Shin-ichi Suzuki, Hironori Shimada, Kazuyoshi Sasaki & Tsugumichi Fujita 57

【Practical Research】
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Approaches to behavior pattern in daily life
Nahoko Kusaka, Tamiko Mogami, Masao Iwase, Shoji Okajima, Rei Takahashi, Hirohiko Kuratsune & Akira Shimizu 66
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy in a Community Clinic
Sakie Shimotsu, Ayako Nagao, Rina Emura, Akiko Ogata, Shin-ichi Ishikawa, Shigeto Hiejima & Jun Hosomi 76