
学会誌「認知療法研究」第17巻 2号(2024年) 第23回日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会シンポジウム(1)

認知療法研究 第17巻 2号 2024年8月 目次 

学会誌「認知療法研究」第17巻 2号(2024年)

藤澤大介,岡田佳詠,田島美幸,熊谷直樹,向山晴子,耕野敏樹,松本和紀  125
各疾患における認知行動療法の共通点と相違点:Generic Model とSpecific Model
菊地俊暁,藤澤大介,伊藤正哉,石川亮太郎,樽谷精一郎  135
松永美希,横山知加,高橋 史,三田村仰,尾形明子 147
髙垣耕企,細越寛樹,伊達 久,吉野敦雄,平子雪乃,近藤真前 155
前田初代,徳山明広,板橋朱麻留,木村圭佑,巣黒慎太郎,一本木之人 164
岡田佳詠,白石裕子,齋藤嘉宏,田上博喜,上等里江 174
東 斉彰,松丸未来,有光興記,下山晴彦 183
中川敦夫,梅垣佑介,加藤典子,満田 大 193
石垣琢麿,古村 健,葉柴陽子,池田直矢,田上昭子,濱家由美子 201
石川信一,岸田広平,藤里紘子,髙橋高人,松原耕平,笹川智子 210
伊藤正哉,佐藤友哉,田中恒彦,山口慶子,姜 静愛,首藤祐介,岡嶋美代 217
丹野義彦,熊野宏昭,古川洋和,鈴木伸一 227

岸田広平,佐藤 寛,石川信一 234

水野雅之,菅原大地,谷秀次郎,吹谷和代,佐藤 純 245

太田真右,伊藤正哉,重枝裕子,浜村俊傑,豊田彩花,杉田 創,矢部魁一,菊地俊暁,三村 將 256
嶋 大樹,熊野宏昭,髙橋 徹 266

【Symposia in the 23th Annual Convention of Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy:Part 1】
Toward the Dissemination of Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Daisuke Fujisawa, Yoshie Okada, Miyuki Tajima, Naoki Kumagai,Haruko Mukoyama, Toshiki Kohno, Kazunori Matsumoto 125
Generic and Specific Models of Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Toshiaki Kikuchi, Daisuke Fujisawa, Masaya Ito, Ryotaro Ishikawa, Seiichiro Tarutani 135
Parental Mental Health and Cognitive Behavior Therapy in the Perinatal and Parenting Period
Miki Matsunaga, Chika Yokoyama, Fumito Takahashi, Takashi Mitamura, Akiko Ogata 147
Expectation and Challenge for CBT for Chronic Pain
Koki Takagaki, Hiroki Hosogoshi, Hisashi Date, Atsuo Yoshino, Yukino Tairako, Masaki Kondo 155
Learn from Other Professions about Responses Using CBT Concepts through the Fictitious Case and
Explore the Significance of Pharmacists Collaborating with Multiple Professions
Hatsuyo Maeda, Akihiro Tokuyama, Sumaru Itabashi, Keisuke Kimura, Shintaro Suguro, Yukihito Ippongi 164
Low Intensity Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Nursing Practice
Yoshie Okada, Yuko Shiraishi, Yoshihiro Saito, Hiroki Tanoue, Rie Uera 174
Culture and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Nariaki Azuma, Miki Matsumaru, Koki Arimitsu, Haruhiko Shimoyama 183
Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy : Present and Future
Atsuo Nakagawa, Yusuke Umegaki, Noriko Kato, Dai Mitsuda 193
CBT for Psychosis in Clinical Practice : Psychologists’ Roles, Strengths, Considerations, and Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Takuma Ishigaki, Takeshi Furumura, Yoko Hashiba, Naoya Ikeda, Akiko Tagami, Yumiko Hamaie 201
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children from Treatment to Prevention : Achievements and Challenges of Practical Studies
Shin-ichi Ishikawa, Kohei Kishida, Hiroko Fujisato, Takahito Takahashi, Kohei Matsubara, Satoko Sasagawa 210
New Approaches to Exposure Therapies
Masaya Ito, Tomoya Sato, Tsunehiko Tanaka, Keiko Yamaguchi, Jeongae Kang, Yusuke Shudo, Miyo Okajima 217
Training of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Graduate School for the Certified Public Psychologists in Japan
Yoshihiko Tanno, Hiroaki Kumano, Hirokazu Furukawa, Shin-ichi Suzuki 227

Proof-of-Concept Trial of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children and Adolescents :
Possibility of Cognitive Change Characterized by Anger
Kohei Kishida, Hiroshi Sato, Shin-ichi Ishikawa 234

【Short Report】
A Pilot Study of a Self-help Intervention Program for Turnover Intention and
Burnout among Human Services Professionals in Early Career : Focusing on Self-compassion
Masashi Mizuno, Daichi Sugawara, Shujiro Tani, Kazuyo Fukiya, Jun Sato 245

【Practical Research】
Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with a Woman with Irritability and Family Relationship Difficulties
Shinsuke Ota, Masaya Ito, Yuko Shigeeda, Toshitaka Hamamura, Ayaka Toyota, So Sugita, Kaichi Yabe, Toshiaki Kikuchi, Masaru Mimura 256
Behavior Activation for a Depressed Patient with Autistic Trait : Strengthened by the Interaction of Mindfulness and Values Clarification
Taiki Shima, Hiroaki Kumano, Toru Takahashi 266